Maaelupakti poliitikalaboris esitleti mitmeid põnevaid praktikaid
14.12.202314. detsembril 2023
14. detsembril korraldas Maaelupakti büroo veebinari, mis keskendus maapiirkondade rahastamisele: Policy Action Lab ‘EU funds paving the way to the rural vision’.
Maaelupakti büroo tegevus lähtub Maapiirkondade pikaajalisest visioonist, mille fookuses on maapiirkondade vajaduste terviklik käsitlus. Oluline on vaadelda ka erinevate fondide, sealhulgas nii ühise põllumajanduspoliitika kui ka ühtekuuluvuspoliitika rahastamisvahendite, aga ka muude allikate kasutamist piirkondlikul ja kohalikul tasandil, ning nende vahel luua sünergia.

Veebinar tõi kokku üle 100 poliitikalooja, ametniku, korraldus- ja makseasutuse, riiklike võrgustike ning maapiirkonnas tegutsevate vabaühenduste esindaja – vt ka osalejate nimekirja ja päevakava. Eestist osalesid Olavi Petron ja Kai Kalmann-Jotautas (ReM) ja Triin Kallas (ELL).
ETTEKANDED (inglise keeles)
Introduction to the day. Enrique Nieto, Rural Pact Support Office
Key messages from the Council conclusions on the rural vision. Isabel Bombal, Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Fisheries, ES presidency of the Council of the EU
The Rural toolkit dashboard for EU funding and the SAT4TER tool to support the financing of local action. Giulia Testori, Joint Research Centre
Village d’avenir programme: Supporting rural municipalities in applying for funding in France. David Armellini, Agence Nationale de la Cohésion des Territoires (ANCT)
The use of Simplified Cost Options (SCOs) in Finland. Noora Pehkonen, Finnish Food Authority
Bank support to implement LEADER funded projects in Extremadura (Spain). Diego Curto, Manager of the Local Action Group Valle del Ambroz
Jointly supporting innovation projects in municipalities. Elias Kappner, Landkreistag Rheinland-Pfalz
LEADER as one-stop-shop for local capacities in Austria. Stefan Niedermoser, LEADER Forum Austria
Simplified Cost Options supporting rural entrepreneurship in Asturias (Spain). Juan Lazaro, LEADER Network Asturias (Spain)
The use of umbrella projects in LEADER in Sweden. Tjitte de Vries, CAP Network Swenden
UK credit union loans for fishers. Heather Emberson-Marl, Animator
The coordination of funds and support in the implementation of Catalonia’s rural vision (Spain). Arnau Queralt, Advisory Council for Sustainable Development of Catalonia
Multifunding CLLD with ESF+ in Czechia. Renáta Kučerová, Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs
Combining crowdfunding and EU funds. Mauricio O’Brien, European Crowdfunding Network
Coordination of Funds at regional level – Experiences in Finland. Salme Pihlajamaa, Center for Economic Development
Experience in Lower Saxony coordinating EU-funds (Germany). Barbara Fährmann, Lower Saxon Ministry for Federal and European Affairs and Regional Development
Strengthening LEADER with the Recovery & Resilient Fund in Estonia. Olavi Petron, Ministry of Regional Affairs and Agriculture of Estonia
Enhancing FLAG budget through private contributions in Finland. Janne Ruokolainen, FLAG Central Finland
Cooperative of Karditsia support rural actors in Greece. Panagiotis Tournavitis, CEO
Reflections of the day. Edina Oscko, vice-chair of the Rural Pact Coordination Group
Next steps. Pascale Van Doren, Rural Pact Support Office

Lähem info:
Triin Kallas
Eesti Leader Liit