Maaelupoliitika foorum keskendus maapiirkondade tuleviku kujundamisele


27.-29. septembril 2023 korraldas Euroopa Liidu Nõukogu eesistujariik Hispaania ja Euroopa Komisjon koos maaelupakti tugibürooga maaelu poliitika foorumi “Maapiirkondade tuleviku kujundamine” Sigüenzas, Hispaanias. Eestist osalesid regionaal- ja põllumajandusministeeriumi asekantsler Madis Pärtel; Meeri Maastik (maaeluvõrgustik) ja Triin Kallas (ELL).

Üritus koondas peamisi maaelu poliitikaga seotud osapooli, et edendada maapiirkondade tuleviku poliitilist tegevuskava, valmistada ette viljakas arutelu EL Nõukogus ja toetada liikmesriike võtma vastu meetmeid maapiirkondade potentsiaali suurendamiseks, toetades EL maaelu arengu pikaajalise visiooni eesmärke.

Foorumile osales ligi 200 osalejat ja see oli suunatud eelkõige ELi ja riikliku tasandi poliitikakujundajatele ja riigiasutustele kõigist 27 liikmesriigist, kes on seotud ELi vahendite haldamisega, hõlmates eelkõige ELi ühist põllumajandus- ja ühtekuuluvuspoliitikat.

Materjalid (inglise keeles):


Video: What is the long-term vision for EU’s rural areas?

Video: What is the Rural Pact?

Report on ‘Taking stock of how CAP strategic plans contribute to the objectives of the long-term vision for the EU’s rural areas’

Report on the outcome of 2021-2027 cohesion policy programming

Policy Briefing: Making the Rural Pact happen in Member States

Videosalvestused konverentsist:

Recording of the plenary sessions of the forum (28 September 2023)

Opening by the Spanish Presidency of the Council of the EU and the European Commission

Taking stock of existing policy support for rural areas and looking forward

Making the Rural Vision and Pact happen in EU Member States

Report back from the thematic group discussions and stakeholder reactions

Reflections from Keynote Listener – Enrique Garcilazo, OECD

Final institutional remarks


Morning session

Taking stock of how the Common Agricultural Policy and Cohesion Policy contribute to the LTVRA. Mario Milouchev, European Commission DG AGRI & Wallis Vandebrock-Goelen, European Commission DG REGIO


Group Discussions

Introduction to group discussions. Enrique Nieto, Rural Pact Support Office


Session 1: Data and evidence for policy making

European Rural Observatory and toolkit for EU Funding. Alessandro Rainoldi, European Joint Research Centre


Using evidence for policy making and rural proofing to address rural depopulation in Spain. Juana Lopez, Ministry for Ecological Transition & Demographic Challenge (Spain)


Collecting and analysing data for rural policies: Science-society-policy interfaces. Tristan Berchoux CIHEAM (France)


Session 2: Paving the way to the digital era

Ensuring the deployment of ICT infrastructure in rural areas. Jan Dröge, Broadband Competence Office Support Facility


Boosting digital transformation and skills in rural areas in Spain. Salvador Estevan, Ministry of Economic affairs and digital transformation (Spain)


Rural digital ecosystems and innovation. Klaus Heider, Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (Germany)


Session 3: Strengthening rural areas contribution to food systems and the bioeconomy

Innovative and resilient value chains in mountain areas. Teresa Pinto Correia, University of Evora (Portugal) & H2020 MOVING


Arctic Smart Rural Community Cluster. Mika Riipi, County Governor of Lapland (Finland)


A biorefinery as a driver for development in rural Extremadura (Spain). Alba Maria Ramos, Natac Group (Spain) & Horizon Europe SustainNext


Session 4: Boosting women’s role in rural areas

Promoting gender equality in rural areas in Spain. Isabel Bombal, Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (Spain)


Boosting women-led innovation in the rural economy and communities. Sally Shortall, South East Technological University (Ireland), Newcastle University (UK) & Horizon Europe GRASS Ceiling


Rural women’s empowerment through green social entrepreneurship. Anastasia Constantini, Diesis Network


Session 5: Enabling community-led innovation and Smart Villages

‘Third places’ as local hubs for community-led innovation. Marc Laget, Agence nationale de la cohésion des territoires (France)


Innovating communities: Empowering local communities to design their future. Gabriel O’Connell, Irish Local Development Network (Ireland)


Smart Villages supporting the green transition in Germany: Bioenergy Village. Anke Wehmeyer, German LEADER Association (Germany)


Session 6: Harnessing rural talent through entrepreneurship and the social economy

The contribution of social enterprises in rural Ireland. Robert Nicholson, Department of Rural and Community Development (Ireland)


Odisseu: Bringing back the youth to rural areas in Spain. Eduard Trepat, LEADER Network of Catalonia (Spain)


Rural Youth Parliaments for the active engagement of youth. Iulia Fatu, LAG Napoca Prolissum (Romania)


Report back from group discussions.
