Regioonide ja linnade nädala CLLD seminar on järelvaadatav
Euroopa regioonide ja linnade nädala raames toimus 16. oktoobril virtuaalne seminar Leader/CLLD: How rural innovation can contribute to territorial and social cohesion? (Kuidas aitab maaelu innovatsioon suurendada territoriaalset ja ühiskondlikku sidusust?)
Eesti esindajana tutvustas Triin Kallas uuendusliku maaelu projektina Kuplandi kaugtöö võrgustikku Kagu-Eestis.

- Enda Stenson (IE/AE), CoR rapporteur on EU strategy for Rural Revival
- Gérard PELTRE, President of the Rurality-Environment-Development network and the European Countryside Movement
Session 1: Best practices for innovation and experimental initiatives in rural areas to boost territorial and social cohesion
- Triin KALLAS, Project Manager, Estonian Leader Union, Estonia
- Albert PUIGVERT, Director, Xarxa Regional dels Grups d’Acció Local LEADER de Catalunya
- Discussion with participants
Session 2: Bottlenecks, opportunities and future possibilities for rural innovation : round table
- Radim Sršeň (CR/EPP), COR rapporteur on “The CoR’s contribution to the renewed Territorial Agenda, with special emphasis on community-led local development” and Vice Chair of the NAT commission
- Elsi KATAINEN (FI/Renew), Vice Chair of the Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development, European Parliament
- Karolina Jasinska-Muehleck, Coordinator and policy development of LEADER, DG ARI, European Commission
- Discussion with participants
- Katrina IDU, Project Manager, Latvian Rural Forum, Latvia, Representative of the European Rural Youth Parliament
- Thibaut Guignard (FR/Renew), Chair of LEADER France and COR Member
Moderator:Alexis LEBRAT, General Secretary, Leader France, France.